Sedex Member Ethical Trade Audit
Our service
SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange) is a not-for-profit organisation based in London that works to increase the spread of ethical principles along global supply chains and is the largest platform in Europe that collects and processes data on the ethical behaviour of supply chains. It is a web-based system designed to help organisations manage data on labour practices in their supply chain. The SEDEX global collaboration platform provides an effective solution for ethical data sharing between trading partners, supporting effective supply chain management and improved supply chain processes.
SedexSMETA (SedexMember Ethical Trade Audit) is a common audit and reporting methodology developed by Sedexmembers to meet the diverse needs of customers.
In addition to the principles contained in the ETI (Etical Trade Initiative) Basic Code, integrating them with applicable national and local laws, the SMETA service also audits performance in relation to the right to work of migrant workers, management systems, implementation, subcontracting, working from home and environmental issues.
Data and information can then be stored, shared and reported quickly and easily between buyers, suppliers and validators/verifiers via the Sedex collaborative platform.
The SMETA audit can be conducted on the basis of:
2 pillars: working conditions, health and safety
Additional Elements: Right to Work - Management Systems - Subcontracting and Homeworking - Environmental Assessment (shortened version)
4 pillars: in addition Environmental Assessment (extended), Business Ethics.
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One of the most important global challenges is sustainability: organisations are increasingly required to demonstrate proactive management of the performance and the impact of their ethical and responsible business operations. Their supply chain is also involved in all of this.
Stakeholder demands are increasing and ethical performance expectations are becoming more widespread.
Organisations need to understand and monitor global supply chains and work effectively with these trading partners to drive continuous improvement.
Service final users
- Companies wishing to audit ethical criteria in their supply chain using the SEDEX-SMETA methodology
- Companies seeking accreditation from socially responsible customers
Improved corporate climate;
Improved working conditions;
Safe and fair working environment;
Continuous improvement of ethical practices
Culture oriented towards health and safety at work and environmental protection.
Certiquality is an IQNet Ltd representative and auditing takes place through the CISQ/IQNet Ltd network.
Prior to the audit, the organisation requests access to the SAQ (Self AssessmentQuestionnaire) for the audited sites on the SEDEX platform.
A SMETA Audit is based on:
- 9 elements of the ETI (Ethical Trading Initiative) Code, which constitute the assessment criteria incorporated into local law.
- Specific requirements for Management Systems, Right to Work, Subcontracting and Homework, 2-Pillars / 4-Pillars.
The audit report is reviewed by IQNET, who then uploads it to the SEDEX platform
More information
For more information visit: http://www.sedexglobal.com/