ISO 30415
Human Resources Management Diversity and Inclusion
Our service
Certiquality offers organisations an inspection service with a certificate of inspection to identify D&I opportunities and risks, how they can be optimised and mitigated, and the development of strategies to close the gaps. The aim of the service is to assess the implementation and management of the requirements of UNI ISO 30415:2021.
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Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) encompasses a concept that is essential for all organisations operating in today’s markets: the importance and necessity of integrating and valuing people, despite their diversity and specificities, to create a truly inclusive working environment.
Regardless of differences in age, ethnicity and culture, the concept of diversity and inclusion is emerging as a core value in the workplace worldwide.
For this reason, UNI decided to translate and publish the international standard ISO 30415:2021 ‘Human resource management - Diversity and inclusion’ in Italian.
Recognising and harnessing D&I can be critical for all organisations seeking to increase innovation and improve their resilience, sustainability and reputation.
In all organisations that develop their business in global markets, it is indeed possible to find resources from different countries, with different cultures.
The task of those who manage human capital (HR) is precisely to know how to make the most of the talents, experiences and characteristics of each individual, regardless of nationality, language, gender identity, abilities and disabilities, sexual orientation, religion, opinions, in order tocreate innovation, activate synergies and, at the same time, strengthen the strategies necessary to achieve the organisation’s objectives.
Promoting a diverse and inclusive organisational culture can enable people to thrive and perform at their best in conditions that allow for effective collaboration and participation.
Creating more equitable, inclusive and socially responsible organisations can help an organisation’s resources to develop knowledge, skills and capabilities that are fundamental to their personal development and wellbeing.
(Source UNI.com)
Service final users
All types of organisations in different sectors, whether public, private, governmental or non-governmental organisations (NGOs), regardless of size, type, activity, industry or sector.
Independence of judgement of the inspection processIndipendenza di giudizio del processo di ispezione
internal assessment of current status with regard toD&I actions
Better management of resources and internal skills
Recognising the organisation’s commitment to DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) issues
Positive impact on corporate image
Promoting a diverse and inclusive organisational culture within the organisation.
assessmnet process
The service is characterised by the following phases:
- understanding customer needs
- identifying the necessary documentation and skills
- issuing the technical offer
- carrying out the inspection
- issuing inspection documentation
- at the end of the audit, Certiquality issues the Inspection Report, which contains the assessment of compliance with the requirements of the standard and indicates any areas for improvement
- the Certificate is issued if the assessment is successful
Based on the strengths and weaknesses identified during the inspection and formalised in the report, the organisation will be able to assess any improvement actions identified and steps to be taken.
The effectiveness of the corrective and/or preventive action plan implemented by the organisation may be assessed by Certiquality with subsequent follow-up audits.